Thanks for coming , peeps . I appreciate that .. ~ஐஐ


Monday, June 6, 2011

Bom ?

Bom Fauzi and Bom Jamal

Pakcik2 tua , saya rindu kt awak , suara yg mengajar kami , suara yg menegur kami dan suara yg melayan karenah kami . hihi , awak seumpama ayah saya , wlaupown mude lagi . haha ! :P
(mcm keling , ayt !)

Bom jamal , die baik , cume die suke ckp 'kau aku' ngn ktorg , ish3 .. ala , gmble r tuh , tp mulut die xkurg ajr , cume die x reti gelarkn diri die ..hihi , ape laa bom nie..gmbr nie aq cilok kt abang comel , (adelah) .. time nie ktorg kt lapang sasar mnyala kt Port Dickson , time nie time kotrg ade taklimat ntok tatacara time prtndingn menembak brlngsung ..

Bom Fauzi pulak , nothing to say . die xrpt ngn aku , hehe . :D
miss this people : Bro Ifwat , Bro Faez , Bom Azmi(a.k.a.Sakai) , Bom Mail , Bom Nizam , Bom Pian ,
Bom Madlie , Tuan Naim , Sarjan Jamal and Bom Fatihah and Bom Hidaya :)

Sincere ,

Wawa :D

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I just came back from PKBM'S Camp Peringkat Negeri , and if God gives me a miracle , so I can go to Peringkat Kebangsaan , but act.. Sargeant Jamal didn't allow me to go cause I'm still under 15 y/o .. Argh , u think I care bout that , yahh ? I know that I'm the one those much faster and capable to do the Merentas Halangan thang , hahah ! ( be perasan for awhile) , but it's true what ! Bom Jamal told that I can go to Kebangsaan , but act.. The reasons that I wnt to go is , I want to met Bom Jamal , Bom Nizam and Bom Mail . I miss them alot ! And what I've heard from them , next year they won't teach us Kawad anymore , but the new Bom will taught us . NOOOOOOOOOO ! I don't want ! Hurm , and the good news is , nest year I'll get pangkat of Sargeant and I'll be the squadleader , heeehayy . ;)