Thanks for coming , peeps . I appreciate that .. ~ஐஐ


Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 about me :)

Err , hri tuh , aq di tag oleh Kak Ainul :)

1.Nama aq yg sbenarnye , Siti Najwa Farhana tp aq lebih suke orang pnggil aq Najwa Or Wawa :D

2.Percaya or tak , aq seorg yg sgt sentimental and suka menyendiri :)

3. Aq lahir kt Shah Alam , Selangor and berdarah cmpuran Arab , Jawa and Cina.

4.Aq mengaku yg aq memang pelik dan gila. x tau pelik cmne , phm2 je la . -.-"

5.Seriously , aku bnci tikus and lipas jea . hahah ! :D

6.Aq ade hobi baru yg selepas nie stiap cuti skolah aq akn dpt main , Jetski :DDD <3

7.Aq obssessed ngan Mariah Carey :D <3

8.Err , aq klau ade orang laki depan aq , aq lari . heheh :D ( xsuke -.-)

9.Dalam bnyk2 makhluk Allah , aq suka KUDA . brbnding KUCING. 

10. Sebenarnye (bg sesiapa yg mengenali sifat aq yg sbenarnye) aq nie , dungu dan sifat aq yg mcm laki nie , memang dri kecik lg . :D

11 . Aq gila ngan warna Hijau , Hitam & Putih .

12. Aq percaya yg musuh boleh mnjadi kawan & kawan boleh mnjadi musuh dan aq sayangkn musuh aq . (xbrmakne yg aq bnci kt kwn aq)

13.Kuntilanak , gelaran yg paling aq rindu , disbbkn gelaran tuh ., sume 1 H ttibe syg kt aq , haha ! :D

14.Percaya x , aq klau kene marah , aq suka gelak ? ( bukan senyum & wlaupown kene marah dgn guru disiplin)

15.Aq mnjadikan ibu sebagai idola aq , kerana dgn ketabahn dia . :D

16. Aq tertarik dgn cara hidup orang Cina :D

17.Aq klau orang bnci aq , aq biakn die , n percaya atau x , orang yg bnci kt aq aq jd okay blek , mcm Kak Ainul dulu , haha ! sorry :D

18.Negara yg paling aq adore skali , and ade sbb nk pg ,
-Arab Saudi 
-China ( world of photography )
-Paris ( world of fashion )
-Umrah & hajj :D

19.Aq mmpunyai masalah ntok mengira guna tgn & mngira guna congak , ( sbb maths aq low gilaa dan kena pkai kertas ) :(

20. Aq ade habit yg sgt buruk , iaitu gigit kuku dan ' Farting' haha ! busuk sial ! :D

21.Aq penggila Cadbury , patot nyer orang Cadbury tuh bg aq award sbb pmbeli tebnyk coklat dia , caye atau x , dlm 1 hari , aq beli 7 coklat Cadbury dan hbis kan dri time yg aq beli , pkol 1.50 - 4.00 :D

22.Keluarga aq 'Berantakkan!' :) (hrp2 paham)

23.Kt peha aq , ade tanda lahir yg berbentuk 'Diamond' . Aq hrp ade mksud .

24.Mse tadika , aq skolah Cina dan Teacher Pan adalah cikgu yg pling aq syg , dan aq n dia lost contact , setelah 8 tahun x brjumpa . ;(

25. Mksud nama aq :)
-Siti - Gelaran bg perempuan
 -Najwa - Berbisik - bisikkan
 -Farhana - Riang gembira :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I hope people will read this post :)

Many people wnt DSLR , and craziying that thang , but they don't think how to you it . People , here me now . So , you think holding DSLR and have DSLR by your own is a damn cool interesting ? No way ! you know what , very 2 or 3 month you need to send it services , huh ? kene byr , ? i don't know laa , xtau , cause i still didn't sevices my CanCan yet . listen me now . bye :D

Monday, December 20, 2010


I need to beautify my blog immedietly before 2011 cause some1 wnt to checkout my bloggie , eheh . i don't hve an idea to designing my blog . haiyoo . -.-" , n i also rarely ontheline . ( do sleepping ) . huh ! at here ( my mom house) , i don't hve any friends cause im new here , n my mom didn't allow me to get new friends at here , idk y ? but when i look at them , actually they already had a boyfriend , even they still standard 3 . weird rite ? haha ! don't talk about them anymore . haha ! well , 2011 just around the corner , so ? wht preparation that i hve do huh ? my daddy had sent my 'permohonan' to that school . n my ayah also wnt to get engaged with that girl . huh ? im so bored -laah !

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hostel life :)

Ohoh ! x sabar gilaa ! i'm waiting my new life at hostel . haha ! goodbye SMKAM2 yg trcinta ! lalala ~ well , skolah tuh agk lme jugak , senang cita , skolah tuh skolah lme ibu . ngeee :D whtever laah . aq sbenrnye rse mmg mls nk update  , tp bilaa dipkirkn blek , update jo laah ! x de bnde nk bt .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

i'll miss youh !

feeling so upset rite now , i can't go too KGV , cause my mom said . 

' u r clever my baby , but u can't get enough cause this school is not what r u thinking , that was an international/cluster school , i know u can do it , u r an superwoman , but u still need to work hard , in PMR , u need to score straight A , so u can go to that 'suppa high brain' school ..promise me , okay ? '

that was my mom , i love her very much , the first person ilove is , HER . she was my idol , i wnt to be like her , dress up like her , talking like her , walking like her , mind on her business like her and made everything like . my mom is a suppa high-brain , branded and clever person but she's not wearing a 'scarf' like me .. :( . after she got Breast Cancer and after she goes to Umrah , she not wearing it . idk what is the reason she is .. either she want to make a new decisions for her life or besides ...

and now , she maid it , she live with a new life , devorcing my father and stay away from the oldies , i know what she doin' , i really understand her , while she crying , im the only one hear it , while she lonely , im the only one accompany her , and while she in trouble , im the only one try to solves her prob . Mom , u r the gorgeous , the best and the great person in whole world . u r my everything , but if God choose one of us will go , i'll pray that i'll go first that you cause u ca't be taken by one . I LOVE YOU , MOM ! D; <3

You are my Super -Woman :D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New School !:)

SMK King George V :)

 Did you see that ! that was my new school-O . :D SMK King George V ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i want to scream-O to myself , i hope i can stop this dram-O life , please ! let me go out in this hell-O !


Monday, November 15, 2010

Along and Kak Nisa :D

Cube try enlarge , kan ? that's my bro ( a.k.a Negro) with her girlfriend , Kak Nisa :D ,
time nie , dkt TimesSquare , kt Nikon Centre , nk cri kan abg Wan camera ntok die . die nk sgt order camera , so bwk jer r senyap2 kt sni , ahah ! die lg gile photography dri aq , tp die ske tngkp gmbr yg mngrut r , mcm2 die tngkp -.- , gmbr 'ass' aq lah , ape lah , mcm2 , then hri sabtu hri die try ngorat awek , sumpah aq ckp , mmg hot sial , style dia mcm Hayley Williams , eheh , :D however , kak nisa ckp , jgn pilih sgt muke lawa nie , ntah2 hampeh . eheh , mmg btol gilaa ape yg die ckp . :) , aq klau blh nk ckp jer kt org tuh , mke die mmg lawa , pkai tdg , and muke die mmg agk putih jgk , tp hati , mmg busuk , lebih busuk dri bngkai , xprnh nk hormat kebahagiaan org , selfish gila pulak tuh , bru2 nie lah aq dh start bnci kt die , die lah org yg aq re**** , ko prnh tlis nme aq kt blog ko en ? mampos ! aq pown nk gak join ko , tp reverse version lah pulak , aq tlis nme ko ea . hahha !
meet Abang Ikhwan gilaa , :D

Friday, November 12, 2010

agagga !

click to enlarge !?:D

sedemikian maklum , xsemestinyer Justin Bieber tuh yg rmai peminat , xdea pmbnci . haha !
aq adelah slh seorg antara pmbnci Justin Bieber , aq xske org yg disukai rmai , bkn sbb jealouse , adelah sbb aq 
x suke dea . i know his secret , :) . to Justin's admire , watch out ! ahah , aq bkn nyer ape , aq klau x ske , aq xkn pendam dlm hati . eheh , :D . what ever laah , Justin .:D

P/s :Sape2 yg minat gila nk mati kt dea , aq x ckp kt korg eh , aq ckp truly dri hati aq . :D


I just want to say , bye !

because ?

I want to sleep -laahh !

Haiyoo , pye pye ! :D


Truly , 
Wawa:D love !:)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

aku pergi sebab nak cari ketenangan ;)

LOL , maafkan aku , aq nk pergi sbb aq nk cri ketenangan , aq dh xsnggup dduk di bwh kesengsaraan nie , aq dh xthn sgt2 , aq hrp korg phm . kt sne aq akan ubah semua gaya hidop aq , care aq layan org , care aq brjalan , care aq hdop , care aq dressup dan yg seumpama dgn nyer . aq tau , sume org bnci kt aq , sbb tuh aq amik kputusn ntok lari dri sume nie , aq sbenarnyer bkn nk putus ase , tp prcaye laa , 1 hri nnti aq dtg ntok merubah semua bnde . aq dh masak dgr semua kata2 org yg dh ckp mcm2 psl aq n mak aq , cume aq jer yg masih xtau nk bt ape . korang xsdr sbenarnyer , aq adalah kwn yg jht , aq bt bnde yg xelok dpn korg , tp korg still kte yg aq nie same mcm sume org . tp , sbenarnyer korg xnmpk kjahatn aq , dan aq bt kputusn ntok prgi , bnyk bnde yg aq kene korban kan , so hrp phm . :)


Chee-sin :)

Aku mmg aneh ! haha ! smalam , mmg sakai r , Hidayat check bag Farzana , n phm2 jer r dlm tuh ade ape en , so aq kejar r die , n aq xtau pulak yg Cikgu Nasran ade kt klas 4 Damai , haha ! n ckgu Nasran minx sorg pngawas nieh pnggil aq n dayat , n out of the blue , adi n the gang pown ade kt tngge blakang , so ckgu nasran pown pnggil r diorg , n mule laa cite yg aq ngan diorg kene denda , dh laa aq sorg pompuan pulak tuh , -.- , pstu , si iwan tuh nk perli2 aq pulak , die pnggil aq minah blue ? ahah ! bagos laa sgt , aq mmg xske blue , ttibe jer nk pnggil aq nme tuh . hahha !:D
(click to enlarge!)

aku baru jer tgk bloggie dia ! ahah ! dgr cite , die pregnant ! haiyaaa ! aq bakal jd auntie laa , ehehe ! die kan kakak aku ! hahha ! (stop dreaming laa-wawa)(Y)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

i think im not in love , anymore .

It's over ! are you satisfied ? tell me the truth ! Bye bye ' heart beats-oo '!

Thanks A Lot !

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanks UNKNOWN ! im so glad :D

Im very happy rite now , cause aq ade bnyk masalah yg nk disettle kan ,
lg bnyk masalah , lg sng laa keje aq nk hidop ! korg suke en aq ade bnyk masalah ! en? 
trutame ade kt sorg tuh , aq mls r nk sebut nme die , aq mmg dh lme maafkn kau , tp aq xsngka yg kau bg tau classmate kau yg aq dh clash ngan die , im so speechless ! D; n kau pkse abg kau ntok clash ngan aq !
knpe ? kau pker aq nk curang ngan 'dia' ker ? hurm , what-so-ever jer lah kau !
aq plek sgt ngan sikap kau , abg kau xprnh kacau relationship kau ngan sape2 , inikan nk kcau
relationship aq ngan dia ! aq plek gila ngan org skunk . that's y aq amek decisions ntok REMOVE kau dri fb ..
mulai hri nie , aq dh xkn brlmbut dgn kau , aq xksah laa kau nk ckp aq ape kt mmber2 kau tuh , n lg 1 kau igt , kau pker kau sorg jer yg xske kt aq ? brlmbak lg org r yg xske kt aq , tp bgos gak org makin bnci kt aq , sng hidop aq ! Thanks UNKNOWN !:D

Sunday, October 31, 2010

i know :)

I know that many of you hate me , but please , korang jgn mcm tuh , korang melihat luar dripada diri aku .:(
aq sdr aq sape , tp klau dh xske ckp dpn2 aq , jgn nk kutuk2 blakang k . :) , agk 3 mnggu aq x update blog , mls . :( , slame 3 mnggu nie r mcm2 bnde yg blaku , prgaduhn aq dgn De Rire , n mlm td , ayah aq x blek rmh langsung .. aq tse cuti skolah nie msti xbest lngsung klau aq dduk rmh ayah . better ddok rmh ibu . :) aq dh trlalu skit hati ngan ayah aq nie . :(

aq nk bt blog aq jd private , tp x taw .ssh btol , aq sdih ngan ape yg kak ***** bt kt aq . knpe ? aq xprnh bnci kt org smpai cmtuh .. :( , urgh , bia laaa die . :D

 aq dh nekad , thon dpn nk pinda skolah , rmai yg xske aq en , okay fine , aq blah dri skolah nie , btw , aq syg skolah nie , tp aq kene blah gak , org dh xske aq , nk bt cmne ? '_________- ..
pening kpale aq , huh ! -.-

Saturday, October 16, 2010

15 and 16 October .

Hayyyaaa . gilaa best ouh smalam , hahaha ! enjoying play Fresbee(aq x reti eja!) and main pepsi cola ngan member2 kak nisa(my future sister in law!)and my brother -Negro- kt Dataran Shah Alam , then pegi Khalifa Bistro pulak (dkt2 rumah Kak Nisa ) , ade sorang abg nie , member kak nisa , nme dia abg ikhwan , dia tuh addicted gilaa snap photo , then dia guna 'CANCAN' aq ntok snap gmbr , btw , photography dia mmg 'SUPERB' gilaa ! tp dia xde camera tuh , n dia ckp next week wedding abg dia , so dia nk pinjam cancan aq . heeee , bole saja !tuh jer laa nk tlis , xleyh bnyk sgt ! :)

baru lepas nangis nieh , hahaha !
(tgk 'abah' kt hospital)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ala , Maher Zain dh dtg Malaysia , jealose gilaa ngan Eima ! dia dpt jmpe Maher Zain . Serious aq minat gilaa kt dia , jap2 , dia dtg proton ker ? OMaaGash ! tmpt kerja ayah tuh , ish , dh laa aq xde kt sne , aq ade kt rmh ibu nieh ! D; , ayah msti dpt pg , ? argh , bia laa dia ! -.- ..seriously aq mg nk sgt2 jmpe ngan dia !-.- , Maher , ily ! muax* D;

yay , akhirnya ! Camera idaman ku , Canon D1000 , dpt jugaa . diorder dgn harga RM1700 , heee . about 1minggu akn dpt , heee . aq byr dulu , tp dpt lme lg . sbenarnyer pnjang cerita aq nk tlis nie , tp tkot nnti korg bosan dgr cerita aq . hehehe , aq nk minx bkn sng , wlaupown dh lame idamkn , aq minx kt ibu hri nie , hri gak dpt , tp proses prjalann ntok mminta bnde tuh mmg ade tangisn tau ! haha ! aq ckp nie serious , aq smpai nk mnangis nk bnde tuh ..okay2 , aq crita skit ..

actually , ibu nk belikn aq phone baru , sbb aq kte kt ibu yg phone Sony aq tuh bosan , wlaupown bnyk lagu , game ,n others . phone tuh Nokia E72 , n aq ckp ngan ibu 

me:ibu , boleh x nk 2kar phone tuh dgn Cam..meee...rraa ??

ibu:$%$^%*^&&!(bkn mara,just brkate 'hurm') heheh ..
bg ibu sbb , nk bt ape phone tuh?

me:ayayalakamanesikatakmatibwhjmban! !<-(sbenarnyer aq mmberi ibu 5 sbb yg 3 dripadanya blh dgune pkai , yg lg 2 , agk2 nk beli ker x?)x)

ibu:shuuuu(ibu pegi kt 'Abe'* and tnyer dia yg aq nk camera tuh)
*dia tuh yg bnyk mmbntu dlm family aq(xtrmasuk ayah kndung aq) , dia yg sepatutnyer aq pnggil 'Ayah'

and mula lah prbincangang ktorg , n akhirnya ! dapat ~~~~~ ;D
heheh . :D

Monday, October 11, 2010

im kinda bored ...

seriously , i don't know wht to do .. starting from last week , aq dh start tolong ibu bt kerja kt LGM(lembaga getah malaysia) ,
jd kerani . hehe , actually , aq nk beli phone baru , Nokia E72 , same just like my mom's phone .. (here i come !)
. hri tuh daa order , rm1300 , xtrmasuk memori card . gaji aq , rm50 . hehe , tp nnti mse beli tuh , ibu bg2 laa skit duit tuh . hehehe ..hri nie bosan ouh , kepale tgh semak mmikirkn nk skolah mne next year ..sme ade pahang or negeri sembilan . ;( . argh , just forget bout that , yg aq tgh dok mmikirkn skunk nie , psl ayah . die tuh , argh ! annoying gilaa r . pening kpale aq mmikirkn psl die ,argh , i hate him ! die tuh , slalu nk merosakkan ape yg aq dh plan slame nie , aq nk stay kt asrama , die mmbebel , xpyh msok laa , ape laa ..tuh ntok kbaikana aq gak .. hish ..

rarely !

atok , 
nenek ,
 mak cik ,
 pak cik ,
 uncle ,
 auntie ,
 comel ,
 handsome and
 sume skalian !

Saya ingin memberitahu bahawa , 
saya tidak akan update blog selama 3 minggu or 4 minggu . 
kerana , saya ingin 'concentrate (jgn mimpi!)
examination yg bakal saya duduki . 

dan saya juga jarang ontheline 'facebook' , 1 minggu skali sahaja , 
okay !

Monday, October 4, 2010

iwishyou, GOODLUCK !

P/s:Dear (Haziq) , i wish you good luck in PMR . And i'll always pray the best for you , dear . I hope that Allah will fulfill your wish . Amin ! 

(tuh jer aq nk ckp ! heheheh* )


i'm gonna miss you !

Farzana Izzati , Nur Aina Najihah , Nur Ruqiyah (Aweenda) xD , Fatin Nabila , Nur Atikah , Farah Elina , Baby(heart!) , 1 Hope (2010) , Kak Sarah , Kak Nisya , Kak Fadzhilah , Afiq and The Gang , and all of my dearest friends , i've already think that next year , i want to move another school .

insha-Allah klau ibu and ayah bg , nk taw sbb ape ? hehehe , SECRET ! xD

only aq and Baby (heart!) jer taw ! hahaha ! p/s : mengedik xP*

i'm hearing David Archuleta song rite now , something bout love ntah haram jaddah ape tah !
seriously , i hate him ! -________________-
( to his fans , don't be angry  . heheh , nnti cepat tuaa maaa ! xD)

i want to share you , a few of my graphy . enjoy ! <3 ;D
Aina at behind me !xD
Canon Powershot G10 (old version before DSLR /EOS). so lame !-.-
meet miss D!
meet uncle BANGAU !

Create by Wawa :D

p/s : bout nk pindah skolah tuh , x sure lagi k ! however , i'm gonna miss you all ! <3 Wawa ! muax*

Friday, October 1, 2010

that photo has been DELETED !

yahh , u know what i mean 'that photo has been deleted'? i mean , yeah , gmbr yg aq xpkai tudung tuh , dh DELETED ! i got 5 negative comment okay , yayala ! dh laa slame nie aq letak gmbr pkai tudung , ttibe jer letak gmbr yg xpkai tudung , just pkai snowy scarf jer . -.- (serious , mmg annoying gilaa!)
aq bkn nyer ape , just nk letak gmbr baru jer , bukan nyer ape . D; (korang , sorrylaa . esspecially to Haziq and Sarah D;)okay2 , after this aq x bt lg dh , lg pown klau Amiruddin taw ? huh , agk nyer , mg aq dh kene ceramah laa . (dh laa ceramah mcm ustaz! huh , lame plak tuh  aq taw laa ko budak Tahfiz -.-) ..

rite now , i trying to find The Cheapest Canon DSLR 1000D , i'm already found it , but , second-hand laa . nk taw harge dia ? above 900 jer , yelaa ! dripada 1700 tuh ! haish -,- .. aq nk original , bukan second , gila ape , mne taw dh rosak ker , kyaaaarrrr \______________/ ..

->i'm already sleepy , wanna sleep now . ciow ! BE CONTINUE...:) 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Annoying Orange Wazzup 3: Bonsai Tree

woooaaahhh ! tired . -O- , i wnt to sleep , x( , im so depress today , yayalaa ! dh laa demam , haish !
3 hari brturut2 pulak ! x(((

i hve another 4 weeks for the final exam , surely klau aq fail , jwb nyer , brkecai laa harapan aq nk msok 2 cahaya , aq bkn nyer ape , aq xnk laa next year msok klas tuh ,dh laa ade Zulaikha (i hate her!) , then lg 1 , aq minx ibu tlg belikan Canon 1000D DSLR tuh , dh laa aq minat gilaa ! -___________-

huh ? nk ckp ape lg hah ? hurm , aq trkejut dgn ape yg Haziq cerita kt aq psl Zainul , yahh , aq pker dia sgt baek , trnyata , HAMPEHHHHH y___________________y

->dear readers , yeyey , aq taw ! B.I aq mmg agak teruk laa jugak ! jgn bg taw aq , aq dh taw sndiri . xD

enjoy this (annoying orange!-)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1 4 3 I Love You .

<-ignore that picture , i just want to tell that i miss Him* do do much-laahhh ! heee :D

huh ? seriously , aq lupe bila die bg aq teddy nieh . BTW , mmg comel gilaa wlaupown kecik . heee . iloveyou , darlink ! xDD

dear , seriously i say that i can't forget you even a moment . ur face is always remind me , so i hope we'll always belong together even we had a difficult time ! i really love you Muhammad Haziq Rizal  b. Muhammad Rizal Fazli .

<- Haziq's Gift :DDD , thanks dear ! xDDD

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

iloveyousodomuch ! muax*

28 September 2010 : today , Haziq's birthday -maa . xD 

hrinie mmg happy gilaa , ktorg suprised kan dia ! beli kek , baling tepong ! wahhh ! happy gilaa ,
nk gmbr ? nnti laa aq msok kan . td xbwk phone , tp gne phone Afiq , nnti aq bluetooth ea ?
yg pling aq happy gilaa td , aq , hihih , suapkn dia , alololo , comel nyer , haiyaa ! aq snggup stayback demi dia b'cause ilovehimsodomuch ! bkan slalu en aq bt ? hahaha ! itu aq xksah laa .. lg pown , dia dh nk PMR , aq kene accompany dia . bia dia xrase kseorangan , baby !muax** xD

Saturday, September 25, 2010

whatever !

argh ! seriously , penat gilaaa ! :\ . today , aq decide nk pegi rmh my ex-babysitter yg mnjga aq dri tahun 1999 until 2009 . -.- , lame en ? wakakaka ! dia , sgt baek kt aq , tahap pengorbanan dia dan mak aq , hurm ? agak hampir sama laa jugak ! tp , mak aq laa lg bnyk pngorbanan nyer . haiyaa . 

and pade wktu same , today , skolah ganti . igt x , smalam pnyer update , 24 September ? aq en mrajok ngan Haziq* dlm diam , so ? ahah ! kak Sarah bace blog aq , then dia tgk aq pnyer update smalam , and dia bg taw Haziq . so ? die rse , ntah laa , aq xtaw nk ckp ape . then , hri nie die face to face ngan aq , die minx maaf , and dia ckp dia nk test aq laa actually , hihi . 

" awak ,wajar laa saya jealouse . cube klau saya ckp psl laki laen depan awak , sure awak pown jealouse gak en?
haiyoo , awak nie . "-....................-"

tuh laa yg aq ckp kt dia , hahaha ! nk taw aq jmpe dia time bila ?? time ckgu Fadzhilah pnyer subject , and aq ckp kt ckgu yg aq nk pergi tandas . hahaha ! 
p/s: HAZIQ SURUH CKP CAMTUH !!! \______________/
and , dgn rase x malu nyer , aq minx laa permision dri ckgu , kire nyer aq klentong ckgu r nie .( bru 1st time bt cmtu , i mean , kluar jmpe org laen dgn gunakan alasan , PERGI KE TANDAS -_________-)
then dia ckp laa itu ini and blablabla ( i don't think that u need 2 know ) .
dan akhirnya , baek jugak . yayala ! spe x jealouse , ? haha ! yg aq taw , jealouse it means sayang , rite ? hahhaa ! whtvevr . :D

k laa , smpai sni jer k , -O- (ngantok!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Haziq , please , leave her !

Dear blog , today is Friday . 24 September 2010 . yeah , today aq pg date dgn dia . who's dia ? Haziq* laa ! haiyoooo , today should be my happy day , but ade something yg mmbuatkn aq rse , agak kecik hati jugak laa .
nk tau ? okay . :)

mase pg beli waffer td , aq trnmpk dia trmenung . mcm , tringatkn seseorng . /__________\' . aq sape dia , 

'me : oit2 , bt ape tuh ? O.o"
haziq : nothing , just tringat mase silam . -______-'

see it ? /_____________\?

ape prasaan korg klau dia ckp cmnie ? '______'

dia ckp , farah tuh , understanding gilaa kt die and whatevr laa -.-
i mean nama dia ' Farah Elyana ' . '
aq pown pernah jd mcm dia , tp aq xlaa smpai lps kan kt dia . dia sndiri ckp

' saya akan lupakan awak tentang ayoi tu '

yahh , aq mmg dh 90% lupakan psl dia , tp knpe dia still lg mention2 nama ' Farah ' tuh ?
aq xprnh ckp psl ayoi , tp skli tuh ade laa . aq ckp

' awak !saya benci gilaaa kt diaa ! , bt sakit mate jer pndng die tuh . serious wak ! \____________/''

tuh jer laa skali aq ckp psl SI BIBIR TEBAL tuh ! ~________~
Haziq , please . i hope you'll never talking about ' Farah Elyana ' anymore , okay . you need to face it , dear . !

okay , that's all . i'm very very not in the mood . ~_______~
Wawa <3 :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

annoying ..

dear readers , huh . hri nie bosan gilaaa ! xtaw nk post ape , blek tadi i'm waiting for Haziq* , hehehe . die ade send something kt aq owh , die ckp . ->:(click on it if u wnt read it) . huh ? die still xbole lupekn ex die , so ? what i need to do now ? x(

dear FE* okay , i forgive you but you must forgive me too kay ? hahaha ! bkn nyer ape , aq just xtaw nk letak ape kt blog aq jea . hhahaha ! idiot btol laa aq nie , xP

okay , tdi aq add ex aq , and then die xapprove aq , siot jer . argh , lntkkolahnkmatikerape , aqdhxnkamikkesahpslkolagi,hitam!(bce sndiri!)

hahaha !! tdi kene injection ouh , aq nk ckp , SAKIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! xsme mcm Rubella , dia xskit sgt , yg HPV nie , seriously time blek skolah , mmg sakit gilaaaa , rse nk nanges jer , wuuu '______'

Friday, September 17, 2010

sucks !

yeah , im the COPYCAT!-,- . but , not all all my friends i copy it , ( aq xtaw ape yg aq tlis ) , actually , i have no idea to put something on my blog , i just do wht people do . hurm , better aq bt privacy kt blog aq . sorry FE* . hurm , dear readers , after this , aq dh x boleh slalu ontheline lg dh , yeah ? sbb , klau on kt rmh mak aq , mmg laa blh always online , but klau kt rmh ayah . only weekends . :( , huh . klau dpt on hri isnin smpai hri jumaat pown , kene on 1 jam . huh , u know what , i'm absolutely hate my dad , die tuh , mmg jerk gilaa r , dh laa fakers , kt dpn ktorg adik bradik2 ,  bt baek , padahal , blakang ktorg , huh , tuhan jer laa taw . 

ahah , skunk nie aq addictid gila dgn Annoying Orange! dia mmg suke bt lawak yg ak menjengkel kan , tp best laa . hahaha ! aq dh subscribe crite die and aq slalu tgk xP , haiyoo ! but , aq pling ske part yg die ckp KNIFE !! :O , siot jer . 

-> FE* , okay fine . i'll not copying you anymore , and im so sorry because i'm copying you , i have no idea for my blog , so that's y i'm copying what r you doing in ur blog . okay , i'll try to do my blog without copying anybody . ~____~

sadost ! D ;

huh , bosan en hri nie /.\ . hum , bosan bosan . a , er , uh , ek ? ckp jer laa ape yg agk patot . miss kt Mariah Carey* xP , eheheh . aq mmg agk tergila gila kan dia jugak laa ! her sound , OMG ! very very the vavavroom ! hahaha ! aq sbenarnyer nie aq sleepy , tp xrse nk tido lg . hurm , *enjoying with my new laptop (fwiiiwit !ahah)

nk jmpe dia ouh , i mean , my robort* ( click him .) dia ajk jmpe , kt kfc . huh , aq x ske pg sne ! benci ouh , btw , aq mmg xske kfc pown , more too McD-LAHH ! EHEH . 

sume org kt rmh nie dh tido , cume aq jer yg blom . aq agk kebosanan . Huh , bile aq bgn pg tadi , aq tgk , muke aq agk bnyk pimples x) . hahah ! pimples yg comel and funky xP , and smalm dh laa aq kene pg spa ouh . bt rwatan resdung . eheheh , bile nk check hama resdung yg ade kt telinga aq tuh , masyallah ! bnyk sial ! wajar laa , dh laa aq kene resdung nie dri kecik smpai laa skunk nie . aq bkn nyer jrg brsin , agk selalu laa jugak !  mmg tiap kali mandi , fuh , msti brsin . ah-cinnnn !! xP

hehehhe ! :D

bla bla bla .

Hurm , nk tulis ape hah ? hurm . tlis jer laa ape ape pown . okay , ibu nk beli kreta baru Toyota Caldina ->
seriously ,aq agak kureng suke laa kreta nie , sbb die pnjang , besar and nmpak gemok r kreta nie , hahaha !(kreta pown boleh gemok ker ?)anyway , aq mmg kureng ske ngan kreta nie , serious . aq ske kreta mcm jeep-> haha , kan comel tuh ! :D sbenarnyer aq lg ske kreta tayar besar , bcoz , aq nie jenis adventerous , so aq lbih ske pg hutan . sbb kt situ laa aq dpt chill skit , mncari ktenangan . haha ! caldina nie tayar die kecik and pnjang sgt . ceh aq nie , yg n beli kreta bkn nyer aq , tp mak aq . muahaha ! tp mmg aq ske kreta cmtuh . bole bwk Haziq* , hahahha ! hurm , tuh jer laa topic aq skunk nie , x taw n tlis ape dh . -.- , k yub yub ! (it should be buy , *wnt beli that car, i mean , that Renegade Jeep) hahha !

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sorry , Farah . :(

Haiyooo , im feelling so guilty to Farah Elina* . yelah , mane x nyer  , aq just akn rapat ngan die bila aq nk something ngan dia . mcm nie ->aq laa yg tnye soalan tuh kt dia . die ckp , aq just akn anggap dia wujud bila aq nk tnyer something kt dia . huh , aq rse aq mmg brperangai mcm tuh kt org len klau aq nk something or menanya kn something . agk nyer bila r prangai aq yg mcm nie nk brubah , agk nyer bkn skali aq bt cmni , agk bnyk kali r gak , nani pown aq bt mcm tuh , imanina pown aq bt mc tuh gak . jht btol aq en ? haish , so yg aq pker skunk nie , mcm mne nk minx maaf dgn die . aq bkn ape , aq pker farah xnk rapat ngan aq , so aq just akn rpt ngan die bila aq nk tnyer something ngan die laa , eh 2 , but aq nie bkn nyer jenis ske amik ksempatan keats diri org len k . ~.~ , 

nk zoom , tkn ctrl and tekan +

facebook gila ! -.-

aq rse nk beli phone baru r . u100i yari . best ker . -.- , kite tgk r dulu , aq nk sbb die phone slide , image dia , wahhh ! superb , tp klau speaker die dlm tahap memuaskan , xnk beli . aq nie jnis ske dgr lagu kuat2 , so bg aq speaker die wajib kuat r gak , mcm pkai subwoofer . hahaha ! bodo btol ,subwoofer lg kuat laa bengong . :D , yg aq bengang skunk nie , fb aq ade problem r , x taw npe , aq hntr pots comment kt kwn aq , pstu die ckp aq pnyer cmnt tuh dikire mcm ape ek ? spam kowt atau flagged laa , die ckp . spe yg flagged aq pnyer fb hah ? haish , bia laa . then , cmnt tuh bole laa plak hntr klau aq x letak symbol mcm :D ker , :( ker o other , haish .-.- , klaaa ,aq busy nie . buy buy ( beli beli ) -.-

Music Box .

When I am lost 

You shine a light for me and set me free 
When I am low 
You wash away my tears 
And take me through 

The loneliness 
And emptiness 
Through the darkest night 
Somehow I survive 
Through it all 

When you tell me I'm the only one you need 
Sweet and tenderly 
And your love 
Breaks away the clouds surrounding me 
All I have I want to give to thee 

If I should fall 
Your love is strong enough to life me up 
If I'm afraid 
You chase away my fears 
And take me to 

A brighter place 
Beyond the rain 
And I feel alright 
Because you're by my side 
Through it all 

When you tell me I'm the only one you need 
Sweet and tenderly 
And your love 
Breaks away the clouds surrounding me 
All I have I want to give to thee 

You take me through 
The loneliness and emptiness 
And I feel alright 
'Cause you're by my side 

Through it all 
You tell me I'm the only one you need 
Sweet and tenderly 
And your love 
Just breaks away the clouds surrounding me 
And baby all I have I want to give to thee 

Want to give you all of my love 
Now and forever my love 
All I have I want to give to thee

Sincerely ,  copying the lyrics of Mariah Carey songs , Music Box .
In the bottom of my heart said ," I will never betray love until i can't 
be patient with it . Wawa <3