Thanks for coming , peeps . I appreciate that .. ~ஐஐ


Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 about me :)

Err , hri tuh , aq di tag oleh Kak Ainul :)

1.Nama aq yg sbenarnye , Siti Najwa Farhana tp aq lebih suke orang pnggil aq Najwa Or Wawa :D

2.Percaya or tak , aq seorg yg sgt sentimental and suka menyendiri :)

3. Aq lahir kt Shah Alam , Selangor and berdarah cmpuran Arab , Jawa and Cina.

4.Aq mengaku yg aq memang pelik dan gila. x tau pelik cmne , phm2 je la . -.-"

5.Seriously , aku bnci tikus and lipas jea . hahah ! :D

6.Aq ade hobi baru yg selepas nie stiap cuti skolah aq akn dpt main , Jetski :DDD <3

7.Aq obssessed ngan Mariah Carey :D <3

8.Err , aq klau ade orang laki depan aq , aq lari . heheh :D ( xsuke -.-)

9.Dalam bnyk2 makhluk Allah , aq suka KUDA . brbnding KUCING. 

10. Sebenarnye (bg sesiapa yg mengenali sifat aq yg sbenarnye) aq nie , dungu dan sifat aq yg mcm laki nie , memang dri kecik lg . :D

11 . Aq gila ngan warna Hijau , Hitam & Putih .

12. Aq percaya yg musuh boleh mnjadi kawan & kawan boleh mnjadi musuh dan aq sayangkn musuh aq . (xbrmakne yg aq bnci kt kwn aq)

13.Kuntilanak , gelaran yg paling aq rindu , disbbkn gelaran tuh ., sume 1 H ttibe syg kt aq , haha ! :D

14.Percaya x , aq klau kene marah , aq suka gelak ? ( bukan senyum & wlaupown kene marah dgn guru disiplin)

15.Aq mnjadikan ibu sebagai idola aq , kerana dgn ketabahn dia . :D

16. Aq tertarik dgn cara hidup orang Cina :D

17.Aq klau orang bnci aq , aq biakn die , n percaya atau x , orang yg bnci kt aq aq jd okay blek , mcm Kak Ainul dulu , haha ! sorry :D

18.Negara yg paling aq adore skali , and ade sbb nk pg ,
-Arab Saudi 
-China ( world of photography )
-Paris ( world of fashion )
-Umrah & hajj :D

19.Aq mmpunyai masalah ntok mengira guna tgn & mngira guna congak , ( sbb maths aq low gilaa dan kena pkai kertas ) :(

20. Aq ade habit yg sgt buruk , iaitu gigit kuku dan ' Farting' haha ! busuk sial ! :D

21.Aq penggila Cadbury , patot nyer orang Cadbury tuh bg aq award sbb pmbeli tebnyk coklat dia , caye atau x , dlm 1 hari , aq beli 7 coklat Cadbury dan hbis kan dri time yg aq beli , pkol 1.50 - 4.00 :D

22.Keluarga aq 'Berantakkan!' :) (hrp2 paham)

23.Kt peha aq , ade tanda lahir yg berbentuk 'Diamond' . Aq hrp ade mksud .

24.Mse tadika , aq skolah Cina dan Teacher Pan adalah cikgu yg pling aq syg , dan aq n dia lost contact , setelah 8 tahun x brjumpa . ;(

25. Mksud nama aq :)
-Siti - Gelaran bg perempuan
 -Najwa - Berbisik - bisikkan
 -Farhana - Riang gembira :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I hope people will read this post :)

Many people wnt DSLR , and craziying that thang , but they don't think how to you it . People , here me now . So , you think holding DSLR and have DSLR by your own is a damn cool interesting ? No way ! you know what , very 2 or 3 month you need to send it services , huh ? kene byr , ? i don't know laa , xtau , cause i still didn't sevices my CanCan yet . listen me now . bye :D

Monday, December 20, 2010


I need to beautify my blog immedietly before 2011 cause some1 wnt to checkout my bloggie , eheh . i don't hve an idea to designing my blog . haiyoo . -.-" , n i also rarely ontheline . ( do sleepping ) . huh ! at here ( my mom house) , i don't hve any friends cause im new here , n my mom didn't allow me to get new friends at here , idk y ? but when i look at them , actually they already had a boyfriend , even they still standard 3 . weird rite ? haha ! don't talk about them anymore . haha ! well , 2011 just around the corner , so ? wht preparation that i hve do huh ? my daddy had sent my 'permohonan' to that school . n my ayah also wnt to get engaged with that girl . huh ? im so bored -laah !

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hostel life :)

Ohoh ! x sabar gilaa ! i'm waiting my new life at hostel . haha ! goodbye SMKAM2 yg trcinta ! lalala ~ well , skolah tuh agk lme jugak , senang cita , skolah tuh skolah lme ibu . ngeee :D whtever laah . aq sbenrnye rse mmg mls nk update  , tp bilaa dipkirkn blek , update jo laah ! x de bnde nk bt .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

i'll miss youh !

feeling so upset rite now , i can't go too KGV , cause my mom said . 

' u r clever my baby , but u can't get enough cause this school is not what r u thinking , that was an international/cluster school , i know u can do it , u r an superwoman , but u still need to work hard , in PMR , u need to score straight A , so u can go to that 'suppa high brain' school ..promise me , okay ? '

that was my mom , i love her very much , the first person ilove is , HER . she was my idol , i wnt to be like her , dress up like her , talking like her , walking like her , mind on her business like her and made everything like . my mom is a suppa high-brain , branded and clever person but she's not wearing a 'scarf' like me .. :( . after she got Breast Cancer and after she goes to Umrah , she not wearing it . idk what is the reason she is .. either she want to make a new decisions for her life or besides ...

and now , she maid it , she live with a new life , devorcing my father and stay away from the oldies , i know what she doin' , i really understand her , while she crying , im the only one hear it , while she lonely , im the only one accompany her , and while she in trouble , im the only one try to solves her prob . Mom , u r the gorgeous , the best and the great person in whole world . u r my everything , but if God choose one of us will go , i'll pray that i'll go first that you cause u ca't be taken by one . I LOVE YOU , MOM ! D; <3

You are my Super -Woman :D